Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Three R's For a Magical World

Moving towards destruction on a breakneck speed, our World deserves restoration. The best way that each person can aid the world is by religiously adopting the three R's in everyday life – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. These are the three mantras for a happy world. Adopt then and become a savior.

Reduce – The Initial Step in Saving the Environment

Take the initiative to reduce amount of toxins you dispose. This is an important step in waste prevention that involves rudiment actions. One should start purchasing durables that have a longer life span and avoid using energy and pollution causing cars. Try to reduce the waste of paper by preferring internet news over the paper versions. Saving electricity by switching it off when not is use and by saving water, you can reduce the exhaustion of these important sources of life. One way that you can really help the environment is by a compost bin. These compost bins can be put in the yard, so that the disposed food and plant materials can be broken down for decomposition by natural process. The best way to practice reduction is – Instead of buying thing that you do have have much use for, try to borrow those things from your kins.

Reuse – Address Waste Reduction

Instead of throwing things away, find out ways to reuse them, effectively. Some of the things we can reuse, instead of disposing are -

  • One does not realise that one can save trees by buying a cloth sack instead of paper or plastic. Cloth sacks can be used again and again without getting torn or scratched.

  • Using plastic containers and reusable lunch bags, one can avoid creating waste.

  • One should use imagination to convert coffee cans, shoe boxes, margarine containers, and other types of containers, into fun and decorative items. These can be reused instead of being thrown away.

  • Learn the art of donation. Give away your unused toys, furniture and clothes to the needful, instead of throwing them as waste.

  • Write on both sides of the paper and use grocery bags to make book covers.

  • Store eatables in reusable plastic containers and incorporate the use of dishes instead of disposable plastic utensils and plates.

Recycle – Prevent the Wastage of Useful Materials

Recycling is perhaps one of the most important step to save the environment from destruction. The core problem that we all come across while talking of recycling is the confusion regarding the products that can be recycled. There are varieties of products that can be recycled. All you have to take care of is to notice the labels that provide the instructions. Today, things like paper and plastic grocery bags, and plastic and aluminum cans and bottles can often be brought to the grocery store for recycling. Many brands of towels, garbage bags, greeting cards, paper bags, soda cans, and milk cartons, and toilet paper can also be recycled.

The world is passing through an alarming situation. Some 85% of our garbage is sent to dump where it take 400 years to decompose. It is estimated that in America alone 50 billion food and drink cans, 27 billion glass bottles and jars, and 65 million plastic and metal jar are thrown away. We are quickly running out of space and until and unless we integrated the three R's in practice, we will lead to nothing but trouble. We should preach as well as practice the valuable tips that can help us save the world, a step that can heal the world.


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